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Welcome to Chestnut Class!

We are a happy class of 29 Year 1 and Year 2 children.


Class Teachers

Teaching Assistants


Other Useful Information


Please support your child by helping them to bring their reading book and diary every single day. All children will have a yellow reading bookmark, which gives examples of questions you could ask whilst your child is reading. This encourages them to gain confidence with comprehension and retrieval.

Your child will also have a 'Reading Trail' in the back of their diary. Certificates and rewards are given for completed reading trails. Please have a go at the different challenges. The local libraries have lots of books which your child can borrow for free and they often hold their own reading challenges for children as well. We also have lots of lovely books in school which your child is welcome to borrow.

Every time your child reads at home they will be awarded with raffle tickets and entered into our weekly raffle prize draw!

Autumn 1

Aliens in the Woods!

We have had a very exciting start to our term in Chestnut Class. Mrs Duckworth (in the office) phoned us to say there had been sightings of a strange flying object over the woodland.  We said we would go and investigate! As we walked we heard loud clanking and banging noises and a whirring sound.  The children thought it might be a spaceship! Then in the distance we saw smoke and wondered if the craft had crashed. Then we saw burn marks on some wood and lots of red berries on the floor! We thought the ship had lost control! We carried on our search and found a small yellow alien with 6 fingers and 1 eye!! What had happened?  The children suggested we went back to  class to check the cameras.  


Our Autumnal walk

Today we went on a much needed walk in the woodland to blow away the cobwebs and allow the fresh air to calm our minds and remind us how lucky we are to live in such a beautiful area.  We were all on the lookout for the items on our checklist and enjoyed searching for changing leaves, seeds, sticks, minibeasts and berries. 


Today was World Mental Health Day so we started off the day with some calming music and Mindfulness colouring that celebrated how wonderful we all are.


Then we read a book called 'Silly Billy' by Anthony Browne about a boy who used worry dolls to help him when he was worried.  We talked about some of our worries and then made our own worry dolls to put under our pillows to take our worries away.

We were awarded certificates for being

Finally we did some Cosmic Yoga!!! We were fantastic at following the instructions and felt calm and happy ready to go home.


During art this term we have been learning about Lowry.  We learnt to paint like Lowry- using only primary colours and black and white to make all the colours we needed.  Then we learnt about persepectives; we learnt that objects further away are lighter and smaller and nearer objects darker and larger.  We painted out backgrounds with this in mind.


Today we learnt to draw buildings inspired by the industrial scenes in Lowrys' work. We used different coloured papers and media to draw such as charcoal, oil pastels, biros, pencil, felt tips and crayon.  We will collage these on to our watercolour backgrounds!

Autumn term 2 KS1 Homework Activities

Here are the homework activities for the next term. Please have a go at some or all of the activities.

A2 Homework 2023

Autumn 2

Welcome back

What a busy start to the term we have had already!!

We have continued to work on our Lowry pictures anfd we think they look amazing!! Take a look and see what you think.  They will be displayed in school if you'd like to come and take a look ! 

A senses walk in the autumnal woodland

Today we braved the cold misty weather to search for the colours of autumn.  We used colour charts and tried to find each of natures colours.  We then came back to class to ldo some autumnal creative activities and work in the continuous provision.

An Afternoon of autumn fun

After our half term break we had really noticed a change in the seasons and agreed the weather felt very autumnal. To celebrate this we had an afternoon of autumn crafts.  We decorated leaves with Posca pens, collaged autumn pictures, made 'autumny' things with playdough, coloured and then iced some biscuits as a treat.


Martial Arts

We had a wonderful time with the martial arts ladies this week, We learnt to call them Sensai and to show respect by bowing to our partners.  We then had a go a kicking a pad and played a game to finish! 

A strange Ocurrance

After reports of a lot of banging, clanking and sawing noises coming from the front of the school we put on our coats and braved the weather to investigate! We found Three little wolves and a pig!! in what looked liked a construction site- we were confused by finding a teapot and a croquet set too! What could this mean?


3 Little Pigs Stem Challenge

Today we were challanged to make a house for the Three Little Pigs to keep them safe from the Big Bad Wolf.  We could choose to make our house from, Lego bricks, sticks or straws.  We worked in pairs to design our houses and made sure the pig would fir inside,  We then used a fan to test their strength.  We used so many of our character strengths in this challenge and showed lots of perserverance skills when things went wrong. All of us produced a really strong house that did not blow down.  Have a look at our marvellous houses.

Odd Socks Day

Today we started  'Anti-bullying'  week with our Odd Socks day.  In circle time we discussed what makes us unique and special and then wrote about it.  We make posters, designed  wacky pairs of odd socks, danced to Andy and the Odd Socks and finally talked about what bullying is and how to 'Make a noise' and ask for help or speak up for others from trusted adults.

KS1 Sports Event at Valley Academy

Some of the children from KS1 went to Valley Academy to represent our school in a sports event. It was great fun and the children made everyone very proud.

Computer Skills

This term we have been using the computers to draw and model our ideas.  We have used purple mash to make Lowry inspired pictures and then designed a new house for the Three Little Pigs.

The horse and Bamboo

In the ice and rain we made our way down to our local theatre to be involved in an immersive experience called 'The squirrel, the cake and the cabinet'  It was lots of fun and done in the Horse and Bamboo's wacky style.  We were covered in snow, stroked a beautiful blue horse, met a kangaroo with a passion for cake and helped a man get home. Then we made our own town and had chance to make a house of our own from card. 

2023 KS1Christmas Party

We had so much fun at our Christmas party, We played lots of games, danced with our friends and enjoyed a snack and a drink before discovering Santa had left us a present for working so hard all year! 

2023 KS1Christmas Party

We had so much fun at our Christmas party, We played lots of games, danced with our friends and enjoyed a snack and a drink before discovering Santa had left us a present for working so hard all year! 

Delightful Decorations

This term we have worked really hard this term designing, making and evaluating our wonderful decorations.  We have practised our skills of cutting fabrics, using templates and sewing-using a running stitch and over stitch. We are really proud of our final products, We hope you like them too!

Spring Term

Well we had a very exciting Monday morning today.  The firemen, from Rawtenstall Fire and Rescue Service, came to visit us! We learnt that the firemen are very busy and they had lots of jobs to do.  The firemen told us that they not only put out fire but are called to help all sorts of people: they help pump water due to the flooding, rescue people from fires, help put out moor fires, work with the ambulance people to help rescue people who are trapped in their homes.  They showed us their special protective uniform they have to wear to keep them safe and the tank they wear on their back so they can breathe if there is fire and smoke! Mrs Giomarelli had to put it on and it was very heavy and very hot!!! They then showed us their fire engine.  We saw the hoses, axes, massive metal cutters and the fans.  It was all very exciting!

Nspcc Number Day

We have had a busy and exciting day in school today. We all came to school dressed in our numbered clothes to promote the NSPCC's message- 'Speak out and Stay Safe'  We began our day with a number hunt in the yard and then answered questions to complete 'Buddy's Key Challenge' we found the pieces of the key so we could unlock the door and find Buddy.  We played number games with our friends, designed t-shirts, made hats and lots more.  We even braved the outdoors and complete a nature number challenge of making squares with sticks, finding four mini beasts and even managed to make repeating patterns in the wet and windy weather.  Take a look!

Internet safety

This week we have learning about how to be safe on the internet.  We learnt to 'Stop.Close,Tell' Stop watching things if they make us feel scared or funny in our tummy, Close things down if they are mean or unkind and tell a trusted adult if we are worried about anything at all. We made some posters to help teach how to be safe too.


We have been learning about the austrian painter/architect Hundervasser.  We have learnt how to create abstract art in his style, using bright colours, patterns and shapes.  We have learnt how to mix colours to create the ones we wanted. We hope you like our pictures.

world Book Day

science Week

We began our week with a very exciting assembly about time and then looked at the amazing timers made by Willow and Izzy.  Then we talked about times long ago when dinosaurs lived on the earth.  We learnt about the paleontologist, Mary Anning and how fossils are made.  We looked at some of these fossils carefully and drew them in detail.  We researched fossils and dinosaurs  and made homes for the small world dinosaurs.  Then we went in search for fossils and made our own with salt dough. Take a look at our exciting day!

Alfresco Learning

On Tuesday we braved the english weather to engage in some outdoor learning about the Great Fire of London.  We impressed the lady with our super knowledge then worked in teams to build 'Wattle and Daub' walls.  We had to bring our leaning inside for the second half of the morning and we made houses for Thomas Farriner out of only two items froma choice of clay, foil, stones and newspaper. We had a wonderful time despite the weather! Take a look!

Summer 1

Today we learnt that Jewish people celebrate the festival of Hannukah.  They light candles on a Hannukiah which is a special Menorah that has nine candles.  They light 8 candles over 8 days to celebrate winning the Maccabees winning war to earn the right to worship one god.

This is me with my Menorah- notice the 9th candle called a Shamash which is the helper candle that is used to light the others.


Alfresco Science

Today we went into the outdoors to find natural objects to make our plant diagrams.  We came inside and worked in pairs to create a flowering plant from what we had found.  We then labelled our creations.

Waterfoot talent show auditions

Today we held our annual Talent Show auditions and were blown away by the children's confidence and skills.  What a talented bunch we are and so supportive of each other.  We are so proud of all of you and it will be a tricky job to choose just two entries for our live show on Friday!!!


Our Seaside fun days

To celebrate our topic of seasides, we decided to hold two days of seaside fun.  On the first day we had a Punch and Judy Show. A man came in a told us all about the history of the seaseide and then we had hour very own show.  We were allowed to interact with his puppets and spent time drawing them.  Ww then made our own minature punch and Judy theatres and  wrote scripts and performed them to our friends.

Seaside Day 2

We had so much fun on our Seaside day and the sun was shining too.  We had a bouncy castle, photobooths, sand and water games, beach games and a seaside scavenger hunt and even a visit from the icecream van!