We have year 3 and year 4 students in our class. We love learning and having fun!
Class Teacher: Mr Oates
Class Teaching Assistant: Miss Pickles
Other Teaching Assistants: Miss Belshaw, Miss Nisa, Miss Peers
- Maths homework: set on Wednesdays on Sumdog.com
- Spelling homework: set on Wednesdays on SpellingShed
- Home reading: 3 reads a week or more (please sign your child's reading diary so they can earn raffle tickets and an extra playtime)
- We also encourage children to play on TT Rockstars as often as possible.
Outdoor P.E: Thursday
Indoor P.E: Friday
Please ensure your child comes to school in appropriate clothing.
Take your reading folder home each evening and return it to school the following day. Reading books are stored in the blue box, you must put it here to earn a raffle ticket. If you need to do a reading quiz, pop your name on the list and inform an adult.
We come into school quietly and calmly and get on with our morning task which is often handwriting or times tables.
Spellings are on a Monday.
Times table quiz on Tuesday
Always be prepared for the weather!
We have lots of rewards.
Reading - a certificate is awarded each week for our reader of the week. Raffle tickets are awarded each time your book is signed and 3 reads equals extra playtime. We have a raffle prize draw on Friday.
Book Winner: Each week one child is chosen as our book winner. This child gets to choose a new book. This award is for effort with reading at home or at school.
TTRockstars: Each week we have a TT Rockstar champion. for fantastic effort learning times tables.
Certificates: Certificates are also awarded in a Friday assembly for English or maths and our class superstar!
World Mental Health Day
Beech Class celebrated World Mental Health Day by wearing yellow. We also took part in wellbeing activites such as mindful doodling, meditation and classic outdoor activities like scarecrow tig and tog-o-war.
Black History Month
As part of Black History Month, Beech Class learned about the important role of Rosa Parks in the civil rights movement in America.
We also learned about djembe - African drums.
We used various hand drums and shakers, and sang a traditional West Affrican song.
To celebrate Diwali, Beech Class took part in some traditional dancing and created calming Rangoli patterns.
Plague Day
Beech Class learned all about the Great Plague of London, 1665. We learned all about how it happened and what it was like.
We made plague doctor masks and posies, to keep the bad air (and plague!) away.
odd socks day - Anti-bullying week
Beech class celbrated odd socks day by wearing odd socks, taking part in a BBC live lesson and creating acrostic poems based on the theme for this year 'choose respect'.
We also designed our own anti-bullying superhero.
number day
Beech class celebrated number day with number based activities and games, as well as enjoying some classic rock music. We also raised money for charity with some rock tattoos too.
Science - digestion demonstration
Today, Beech Class watched a demonstration of how the digestive system works using bananas, crackers, lemon juice, bags, a cardboard tube, a cup and some tights. It was a little messy.